
Customer Service Numbers

How to call Alamo: contact customer service using the toll free number below. Rent a car, get help with reservations, etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.



  • Thank you for calling Alamo Rent a Car. For quality assurance, your call may be monitored or recorded.
  • Locations: For office hours or address information for one of our locations, press 1.
    • If you would be willing to complete a one question survey on our agent’s performance, please stay on the line upon the conclusion of your call.
  • New rentals: To check rates, availability, or to book a reservation, press 2.
    • For quality assurance, your call may be monitored or recorded.
  • Existing rentals: To confirm, cancel, or modify and existing reservation, press 3.
    • To confirm or cancel a future reservation, please press 1.
    • To modify a future reservation, please press 2.
  • Help / emergency: If you are currently renting a vehicle and are locked out, have lost the keys, have a flat tire, or the vehicle has a mechanical issue, press 4.
    • For roadside service in the U.S., press 1. For roadside service in Canada, press 2.
  • Extend rental: If you are currently renting a vehicle and need to extend your rental, press 5.
    • If you would be willing to complete a one question survey on our agent’s performance, please stay on the line upon the conclusion of your call.
  • Previous rental: If you have questions about a current or previous rental, press 6.
    • Thank you for calling. One of our customer care associates will be with you shortly. For faster service, please have your rental agreement, or the keys to the rental vehicle.
    • If you would be willing to complete a one question survey on our agent’s performance, please stay on the line upon the conclusion of your call.
  • Disabilities For information regarding options for customers with disabilities, press 7.
    • Thank you for calling National Car Rental. For quality purposes, your call may be monitored or recorded.
  • To hear these options again, press 9.


Online Support


  • Thank you for calling Alamo rent a car to ensure quality of service your call maybe monitored or recorded.
  • Should you choose any optional equipment or services related charges will be added to your total vehicle rental price at the Alamo counter.
  • Rates are subject to change if any adjustments are made to the original reservation dates or time.
  • Thank you for continuing to hold a drive happy representative will be with you voluntarily.



Alamo Insiders


  • Thank you for calling Alamo insiders
  • to check rates availability or to book a reservation press 1
    • Thank you for calling Alamo rental a car for quality purposes your call maybe monitored or recorded.
    • Thank you for choosing Alamo reservations this is XXXXX how may I help you? (live person)
  • for a member services press 2.
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