
Oral B

How to contact Oral B: for customer service or help with your products, call the toll free number below. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.

Oral B Customer Support

USA & Canada: 800-566-7252 (800-56-ORALB)
hours: Monday to Friday between 9AM and 6PM EST

  • Thank you for calling!
  • To continue in English, press 1.
  • For information on our money back guarantee, press 1.
    • For information on our Oral B Pro Health toothbrush money back guarantee, press 1.
    • For information on our Oral B Pulsar money back guarantee, press 2.
    • For information on Oral B Power toothbrush money back guarantee, press 3.
    • For information on Oral B Floss money back guarantee, press 4.
    • For information on Oral B Vitality money back guarantee, press 5.
  • For Oral B Floss information, press 2.
    • For questions about recent news on product ingredients, press 1.
    • For any other Oral B Floss questions, press 2.
  • For questions about your Oral B device, press 3.
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