800 Number for Greyhound
How to call Greyhound: use the toll free number below to contact a real customer service agent for support, including fares, tickets, reservations and cancellations. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.
Customer Service
- Discover more with Greyhound!
- What would you like to do:
- Check fares and schedules, press 1.
- Where are you leaving from, tell me the city and state or enter the US 5-digit zip code.
- Book a trip, press 2.
- Where are you leaving from, tell me the city and state or enter the US 5-digit zip code.
- Find a bus stop, press 3.
- Where are you leaving from, tell me the city and state or enter the US 5-digit zip code of where you’re looking for a bus stop.
- Track a bus, press 4.
- Enter the 4-digit schedule number or say, ‘I don’t have it’.
- Or something else, press 5.
- To file a claim or check an existing claim, press 1.
- To hear about ticket refunds, press 1.
- Baggage claims, press 2.
- For first time traveler information, press 2.
- Arrivals and boarding, press 1.
- Baggage, press 2.
- Tickets, press 3.
- Tips for your trip, press 4.
- Child travelers, press 5.
- Something else, press 6.
- For general information, press 3.
- To hear about ticket refunds, press 1.
- Baggage claims, press 2.
- Or help with something else, press 4.
- To file a claim or check an existing claim, press 1.
Fare and schedule information:
1-800-661-TRIP (8747)
- Hi thanks for calling Greyhound I’m Gracie your virtual travel consultant.
- If I can help you plan a trip by telling you what time the bus leaves and arrives or how much it costs press 1 now.
- Otherwise if you’re not planning a trip press 2.
Other Numbers
Assistance for customers with disabilities: 1-800-752-4841
TDD/TTY: 1-800-345-3109
Español: 1-800-531-5332
Web site support: 1-800-268-9000
Commercial Services & Corporate Travel: 1-800-440-7712
Greyhound PackageXpress: 1-800-739-5020
Unsafe Driving: 1-800-SAFE-BUS.
Buy tickets online: 1-800-231-2222
source: http://www.greyhound.com/en/ticketsandtravel/default.aspx
Hearing-impaired: 1-800-397-7870
Greyhound Courier Express: 1-877-GO-DOG-GO (1-877-463-6446)