800 Number for Palmetto Pass
How to call Palmetto Pass: use the toll free number below to contact customer service. Get help with your account, pay tolls etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.
Customer Service
843-342-6718 (1-888-725-8655 in South Carolina only)
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5:30pm; Saturday: 9:00am – 1:00pm
- Thank you for calling the Cross Island Parkway customer service center.
- To access your account, press 1.
- Please enter your account number, followed by the pound key now.
- To request an additional transponder, or to report a lost or stolen transponder, press 2.
- To request an additional transponder for your account, press 1.
- Please enter your account number, followed by the pound key now.
- To report a lost or stolen transponder, press 2.
- Please enter your account number, followed by the pound key now.
- To return to the main menu, press 9.
- To request an additional transponder for your account, press 1.
- To open an account online, visit our website at www.crossislandparkways.org, and click ‘Sign Up now’.
- To open an account over the phone, or to have an application sent to you, press 3. [Connects you to a customer service representative]
- For information regarding toll and customer service facilities, press 4.
- For facilities currently accepting Palmetto Pass Transponders, press 1.
- For Cross Island Parkway facilities, press 1.
- To return to the main menu, press 9.
- For the Cross Island Parkways Customer Service locations, hours of operation, and mailing addresses, press 2.
- For mailing addresses, press 1.
- For call center hours of operation, press 2.
- To repeat these menu options, press the * key.
- To return to the main menu, press 9.
- To return to the main menu, press 9.
- To speak with a customer service representative, press 0.
- To repeat these menu options, press the * key.
- For facilities currently accepting Palmetto Pass Transponders, press 1.
- To make a payment on a violation notice, press 5.
- To review the status, or to make a credit card payment in a violation notice you received in the mail, press 1.
- Enter the violation number listed on the notice you received, followed by the pound key now. Do not enter any letters.
- For enrollment questions and account inquiries, press 2. [Connects you to a customer service representative]
- To repeat these options, press the * key.
- For all other inquiries, or to speak with a violations processing center representative, press 0.
- To review the status, or to make a credit card payment in a violation notice you received in the mail, press 1.
- If you need to speak to a customer service representative, press 0.
- To repeat these options, press the * key.