800 Number for E-ZPass Rhode Island
How to call E-ZPass Rhode Island: use the toll free number below to contact customer service. Get help with your account, pay tolls etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.
Customer Service
1-877-743-9727 (1-877-RI-EZPASS)
Hours: Monday to Friday:9AM to 6PM; Saturdays: 8AM to 1PM
- Thank you for calling the Rhode Island EZ Pass customer service center.
- To access your account, press 1.
- If you know your account number, press 1.
- If you know your transponder number, press 2.
- To report a lost or stolen transponder, press 2.
- If you know your transponder number and would like to report it lost or stolen, press 1.
- If you do not know your transponder number, press 0.
- To open an EZ Pass account, please visit www.EZPASSRITBA.com and press sign up now.
- To open an EZ pass over the phone or to have an EZ Pass application sent to you, press 3.
- For information regarding EZ Pass toll and customer service facilities, press 4.
- For facilities currently accepting EZ Pass, press 1.
- For EZ Pass customer service location hours of operation and mailing addresses, press 2.
- To repeat these options, press the Star key.
- To return to the Main Menu, press 9.
- To speak to an EZ Pass customer service representative, press 0.
- To repeat these options, press the Star key.