
800 Number for E-ZPass Ohio

How to call E-ZPass Ohio: use the toll free number below to contact customer service. Get help with your account, pay tolls etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.

Customer Service

1-888-876-7453 (1-88-TURNPIKE)

  • Thank you for calling the Ohio Turnpike.
  • If this is an emergency, press 8 now.
  • If you would like to access our Dial by Name Directory, press 9.
  • Please note that our phone numbers and menu options have changed.
  • For EZ Pass press 2.
    • Please wait while we connect your call. [Connects you to a real person]
  • For information regarding traffic conditions or services plazas, press 3.
    • For the most up to date travel and construction zone information, follow us on social media @OhioTurnpike. Or, find us on the web at www.ohioturnpike.org. Our website also provides detail on the various amenities offered at our service plazas.
    • For a list of service plaza locations eastbound, press 1. For a list of service plaza locations westbound, press 2. To repeat this message, press #. To return to the main menu, press *
  • For the Ohio State Highway Patrol, press 4.
    • To speak with an Ohio State Highway Patrol representative, press 1.
    • To contact the dispatch center, press 2.
  • For employment information, press 5.
    • For more information regarding employment opportunities at the Ohio Turnpike, please visit us on the web at www.ohioturnpike.org\about-us\careers.
    • To repeat this message, press #.
    • To return to the main menu, press *.
  • For general information including customer services, press 6.
    • For information regarding permits and the LCV program, press 1.
    • For lost and found, press 2.
    • For all other inquiries, or to speak with a customer service representative, press 3.
    • To repeat this message, press #.
    • To return to the main menu, press *.
  • To speak with an operator, press 0 at any time. To report this menu, press #.
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