800 Number for E-ZPass New Hampshire
How to call E-ZPass New Hampshire: use the toll free number below to contact customer service. Get help with your account, pay tolls etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.
Customer Service
- To access your account information, you will need your transponder number or account number listed on your statement.
- To continue in English, press 1.
- To continue with another language, press 2.
- To access your EZ Pass account, press 1.
- Please enter your account or transponder number followed by the Pound key.
- To pay a violation invoice, press 2.
- Please enter the invoice number on the violation notice followed by the Pound key.
- For customer service hours and walk in locations information, press 3.
- For the address of the customer service The Concord walk in center, press 1.
- The Nashua walk in Center, press 2.
- The Portsmouth walk in Center, press 3.
- To repeat these options, press 8.
- For a customer service Representative, press 0.
- To access your EZ Pass account, press 1.