800 Number for Priceline
How to call Priceline: use the toll free number below to contact a real customer service agent for support, including cancellations. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.
Customer Service
- Greetings! You’ve reached PriceLine.
- Please enter the phone number or the 9- or 11-digit trip number associated with your booking.
- Press Pound three times to get to menu.
- For a travel request you already submitted, press 1.
- To learn more about PriceLine’s travel products, press 2.
- To learn more about placing a request for airline tickets, press 1.
- To learn more about placing a request for hotel rooms, press 2.
- To learn more about placing a request for rental cars, press 3.
- To learn more about placing a request for vacation packages, press 4.
- To learn more about placing a request for cruises, press 5.
- For anything else, press 6.
Other Numbers
United States: 877-477-5807
Canada: 877-477-5807
Mexico: 01800 123 3316
Austria: +800 774 23546
Belgium: +800 774 23546
Czech Republic: +800 774 23546
Germany: 069 5170 9665
Denmark: +800 774 23546
Finland: +800 774 23546
France: 157 323 025
Greece: 800 4414 6960
Hungary: +800 774 23546
Ireland: +800 774 23546
Israel: +800 774 23546
Italy: 029 148 3354
Netherlands: 020 200 8497
Poland: +800 774 23546
Portugal: +800 774 23546
Spain: 912 754 770
Sweden: +44 20 7136 8462
Switzerland: +800 774 23546
United Kingdom: 020 7136 8462
Elsewhere from within Europe: +44 20 7136 8462
Antigua and Barbuda: 1-800-774-2354
Bahamas: 1-800-774-2354
Barbados: 1-800-774-2354
Bermuda: 1-800-774-2354
Cayman Islands: 1-800-774-2354
Dominican Republic: 1-888-751-9159
Grenada: 1-800-774-2354
Jamaica: 1-800-774-2354
Puerto Rico: 1-800-774-2354
St. Kitts and Nevis: 1-800-774-2354
St Lucia: 1-800-774-2354
Turks and Caicos Islands: 1-800-774-2354
Trinidad and Tobago: 1-800-774-2354
British Virgin Islands: 1-800-774-2354
US Virgin Islands: 1-800-774-2354
Australia: 02 8223 9711
China: +800 774 23546
Guam: 1-800-774-2354
Hong Kong: +800 774 23546
Japan: 033 570 8726
Republic of Korea: 023 483 7211
New Zealand: 099 200 062
Philippines: +800 774 23546
Singapore: +800 774 23546
Thailand: +800 774 23546
Taiwan: +800 774 23546
Argentina: +800 774 23546
Brazil: +800 774 23546